Last week, we looked at the city of Brewer’s recent economic development efforts. But there are other ways the city is working to draw businesses to Brewer, most notably, its efforts to enhance the community to make it a more attractive venue.
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There’s an old saw that says people from Brewer will go to Bangor, but people from Bangor won’t go to Brewer. In 2008, the city of Brewer conducted an extensive survey that revealed that people on the eastern side of the Penobscot River preferred to shop in Brewer if they could get what they needed there. Since those on the Bangor side generally have what they need in Bangor, they’re less apt to go to Brewer.
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The communities of Bangor, Bradley, Brewer, Eddington, Hampden, Hermon, Holden, Milford, Old Town, Orono, Orrington, and Veazie all have extensive trail systems and opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of our area but it’s very difficult to get to one trail system from another or even find the trails if you’re not familiar with the local land trust’s website. Recently representatives of these twelve Penobscot Valley communities began work on creating a regional, connected trail system with a website that will connect visitors to information about all the trails in the area. Please help us by ranking them in order of preference in this survey: by July 31st. The survey also asks if you have any other ideas for names to throw in the mix and we welcome more options.
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HERMON, Maine — A local nonprofit agency announced on June 28 it has entered into a contract to purchase commercial property in downtown Brewer to open a food pantry for city residents and those in nearby Eddington.
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Please take note that the City of Brewer has filed a Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with the General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Small Municipal Storm Sewer Systems.
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BREWER, Maine — The path of the new waterfront trail has been cleared and this week construction crews will fill it with gravel to prepare it for pavement that will go down in the next couple of weeks, City Engineer Frank Higgins said Tuesday.
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BREWER, Maine — The Brewer Comprehensive Plan, developed in 1995, needs an update, so the city’s planning committee is hosting the first of many gatherings on Tuesday seeking public input about what future projects the city should undertake.
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What do you want Brewer to look like in 2025?
The Brewer Comprehensive Plan Committee would like to invite Brewer residents and business owners to the first of several open houses to showcase the current work that is being done by the 2013-2014 Comprehensive Plan Committee, and to solicit feedback and input.
Join us on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 from 5-7 pm upstairs at the Brewer Auditorium. Light refreshments will be served.
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BREWER, Maine — VolturnUS, the first offshore floating wind turbine in North America, hit the water Friday.
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Holden resident Sherri Therrien is passionate about dogs, and she’s fortunate to make a living making them look and feel great. Therrien is the owner of Fetch Grooming, located at 421 Wilson St in Brewer, next to Bangor Savings Bank in the Brewer Shopping Center.
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