City Hall - Brewer, Maine

Financial Policies

The City has a variety of policies and procedures that guide our financial operations and ensure that we have proper controls in place to protect the City’s assets. Some of the City’s financial policies are listed below.

Purchasing Policy
Brewer’s Code of Ordinance, Chapter 36 lays out the City’s spending thresholds and rules.  For a copy of this ordinance, please visit the City Clerk’s page or call the City Clerk at 207.989.7050.

Investment Policy
The City’s policy prioritizes safety of principal over liquidity, return on investment and diversification.

Personnel Policy
The City Council has adopted a Personnel Policy applicable to City employees.

Post Issuance Compliance Policy
The City is committed to ensuring that it complies with all requirements associated with the tax exempt debt it issues.

Fund Balance Statement
This statement on fund balance is included in each annual budget.

Debt Service Statement
This statement on debt service is included in each annual budget.

Credit Card Policy
The City accepts credit and debit cards. A convenience fee applies.