Brewer News

Brewer News

Brewer receives $300,000 housing grant

5.26.2011 – City officials heard last week that $300,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds will be heading to town in August to help low- to moderate-income residents improve their homes. “Brewer was one of only six communities statewide to get the funds,” Ron Harriman, a consultant for the grant program, said on Thursday. The […]

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Brewer holding line on taxes for 10th straight year

5.16.2011 – As it has for the previous nine years, the city of Brewer has held or lowered its mill rate, but unlike last year, it was able to do so without any painful cuts of services or personnel. “Last year we had a very difficult budget. We did maintain a flat mill rate, but […]

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Brewer to honor fallen firefighter from 1911 Great Fire

4.19.2011 – A Brewer man who crossed the river in 1911 to fight the massive fire that consumed the Queen City’s downtown was the lone firefighter to die in the line of duty that fateful day in what is now known as Bangor’s Great Fire. The Brewer Fire Department will lay a memorial brick on Wednesday […]

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Brewer applies for CDBG funds to improve low-income homes

2.15.2011 – City officials say dozens of local low- to moderate-income homeowners have been able to improve their homes thanks to Community Development Block Grants issued to Brewer over the past five years. The problem is there is a lot more work to do, which is why the city is applying for more CDBG funds, […]

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Modules loaded onto barge at Cianbro facility in Brewer

2.02.2011 – Crews at Cianbro’s Eastern Manufacturing Facility in Brewer are preparing to deliver the latest shipment of Maine-produced electrical rooms to Long Harbour, Newfoundland, on behalf of an international mining company that is establishing a nickel processing plant in that region, Cianbro announced Wednesday. Loading of the modules onto a barge at the Cianbro […]

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SnapSpace to use Lemforder facility

2.01.2011 – Bangor resident Chad Walton wants everyone to go to Google and search “shipping container homes.” Walton purchased the former Lemforder building Monday and soon will be making modular buildings — homes, offices, dorms, emergency shelters and others — using recycled, prefabricated shipping containers. “It’s crazy what we can do with them,” he said […]

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Brewer Holds First Public Meeting on Schools

1.21.2011 – The city is asking residents what they want to do with three elementary schools and Brewer Middle School once the new pre-kindergarten-through-eighth-grade Brewer Community School opens in the fall. The first of two public meetings was held Thursday and another one is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday at Washington Street School. The new […]

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Maine Cities’ Power Grab aimed at Keeping Business

1.19.2011 – After Brewer, Maine, lost a manufacturer due to high electricity costs, it became obvious how a new business park in town could be made “indispensable.” “The immediate thing that came to mind was energy,” said D’arcy Main-Boyington, director of economic development for the City of Brewer. The cities of Brewer and Old Town, […]

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Cianbro announces another 13-module contract

1.18.2011 – Steel and other materials for a new 13-module contract began to arrive at Cianbro’s Eastern Manufacturing facility on Monday, Peter Vigue, chairman and CEO of Cianbro Corp., said Tuesday morning. Vigue and Cianbro Vice President Joe Cote, who is general manager of the South Brewer module manufacturing facility, announced the Pittsfield-based company has […]

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$26,900 grant to aid Brewer firefighters

12.14.2010 – The Fire Department soon will have two new pieces of electronic equipment for its ambulance, thanks to funding from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, or the FIRE Act. “We applied for a grant to get a power stretcher for the ambulance,” Fire Chief Gary Parent said Tuesday. “You just push a button […]

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