City Hall - Brewer, Maine


The information listed below includes a City-wide map of the different zones that are referenced in the Land Use Code, as well as the applicable Land Use Code and the Schedule of Uses matrix that is used to determine zoning, permitting and site plan requirements.

The official zoning map shows the general layout of the different zones we have within the City, including the break down of residential, commercial and industrial zones.

The purpose of the Land Use Code is to regulate the location and use of residential, commercial, industrial and other real estate in the City of Brewer. It covers topics such as: the construction, height, number of stories and area of all structures; the size of open spaces of real estate population density; and setback of structures along public ways.

The matrix of the schedule of uses and dimensional requirements is also used to determine if a use is allowed within a particular zone, whether or not it requires a permit, and whether or not the project needs to go to the planning board for approval.

Schedule of Uses:

Microsoft Word – Land Use Code ARTICLE 3 Zoning Districts (

Dimensional Requirements:

Microsoft Word – Land Use Code ARTICLE 3 Zoning Districts (

The matrix also sets requirements for minimum lot sizes, setback requirements and various other issues.  If the matrix shows a “P”, that means it is an allowed use and permits from the Brewer Code Enforcement Office are required. If an “S” is in the matrix, that means it is an allowed use and needs site plan approval from the Brewer Planning Board along with any permits from the Code Enforcement Office. If a “Y” is in the matrix, it is an allowed use without a permit. And lastly, if the square is blank, it means that use is not allowed in that zoning district. If any of the letters are followed by numbers, it means there is a corresponding footnote (located at the bottom of the matrix) with additional information and/or requirements.

The Tax Maps are a reference for every property within the City of Brewer.

If you have any questions, please contact Code Enforcement at 207.989.7790.