
Welcome to the Brewer Water Department!

We provide drinking water and fire protection services to residents and businesses of the great City of Brewer and portions of our neighboring communities in Eddington, Holden and Orrington. Hatcase Pond, located in Dedham and Eddington, has been the primary water source for the City of Brewer, and parts of Eddington, Holden and Orrington, since the 1950’s. Our treatment begins with maintaining a high quality water source. To maintain a high quality water source, we have focused on limiting activity around Hatcase Pond through land purchases and conservation easements.

Next, we treat the water at Hayes Treatment Plant using ozonation and chloramination treatment techniques to ensure the safety of the water delivered to your system. Ozone gas, a powerful disinfectant, is used to provide primary disinfection. Chloramines, a combination of chlorine and ammonia, are used to provide a disinfectant level in the distribution system. Ozone levels at the plant and chloramine residuals in the distribution system are continuously monitored to ensure adequate disinfection has occurred, prior to delivery to you.

Our distribution system includes 20 miles of transmission mains and more than 40 miles of distribution mains. Our distribution system includes 3 storage reservoirs with the ability to hold almost 3 million gallons of high quality drinking water. The Department serves about 9,000 people through over 3,700 individual service connections. We also provide fire protection throughout our service area with over 400 fire hydrants.

Questions on an existing or new service, or a fire protection account? Give us a call and we will be glad to help you.

Instructions on Identifying your Water Service Line click here.


Maine’s Best Drinking Water 2020 & 2023



Rodney Butler, Water Department Superintendent

For water related questions, please contact the water department at (207) 989-4214.

For sewer related questions, please contact the finance department at (207) 989-7060.

The City of Brewer is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.