General Swim Hours
Monday – Friday: 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Daily Admission Fees**
Brewer Resident Child (Under 17) – $1.00
Brewer Resident Adult – $2.00
Senior Citizens – Free
Non-Resident Child (Under 17) – $2.00
Non-resident Adult – $3.00
Municipal Pool Phone Number: 207.989.5199
Swim Lessons
Our swim classes offer options and flexibility for swimmers of all levels. Two sessions of classes will be held, each lasting four weeks. Classes meet two days a week, and you can choose to attend Monday/Wednesday classes or Tuesday/Thursday classes, and can register for the time slot that is most convenient. However, please remember that there still is a limited number of openings for each time frame.
Classes will be offered every half hour
on the following schedule:
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
9:45a.m. – 10:15a.m.
10:30a.m. – 11:00a.m.
11:15a.m. – 11:45a.m.
Classes are divided into seven skill levels ranging from getting comfortable with water to an introduction to competitive swimming. Please note that students must be at least three years of age prior to classes starting to register. Each class level will build on the skills learned in the previous level, while adding new skills to improve the participant’s ability and provide with a lifetime of enjoying the water.
Class Descriptions
Stage 1*: MUST BE 3 YEARS OF AGE. This class will help students feel comfortable and explore the water while learning basic skills such as back float and glides. This is a great starting class for children with little or no experience in the water. *Students enrolled in the stage one program are required to have an adult (at least 16 years old) to assist them in the water throughout class. We’ll continue to monitor guidelines and adjust our requirements as allowed.
Stage 2: Class instruction will include such skills as rhythmic breathing, floating & flutter kick. This class is a for children who are comfortable in the water and know basic skills such as the “doggy paddle.”
Stage 3: Children will refine swim skills by learning crawl stroke, backstroke, front dive, and jump into the deep end of the pool.
Stage 4: This class continues skills learned in Stage 3 and will include such skills as correct breathing techniques.
Stage 5: Participants in this class will refine stroke techniques to combine the correct kicking, pulling and breathing techniques.
Stage 6: This class will feature endurance skills and safety skills.
Stage 7: Pre-Competitive Swim Team -Thinking about joining a swim team, or just looking to stay in competitive condition over the summer? This stage will focus on competitive skills and conditioning to help you reach your goals!