7.21.2006 – Eastern Maine Medical Center’s plans for a $41 million cancer center in Brewer cleared a major hurdle this week when the project won state approval. But the approval did not come without conditions, the most notable of which could pose a significant financing challenge for the project. In a letter dated Tuesday, the […]
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3.24.2006 – Where was the first settlement of Penobscot Indians discovered when European travelers began navigating the Penobscot River centuries ago and landed in what is now Brewer? And before the three bridges were constructed connecting Bangor and Brewer, where and how did people get across the waterway? The answer to both of those historic […]
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2.02.2006 – With the Maine Institute for Human Genetics and Health and the possibility of a $28 million cancer center occupying space in the soon-to-be-constructed second building within the Brewer Professional Center, the planned structure is practically full, officials are saying. “The genetics lab all by itself will take a large chunk of the next […]
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6.08.2005 – BEDC is a private, nonprofit development agency focusing on job creation, tax-based growth and city development. A public hearing was held to discuss the seven-lot minor commercial subdivision located between Wal-Mart and Dirigo Drive with one lot across the roadway before the project was approved by the board with 13 conditions. Most of […]
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2.22.2004 – After nearly three years of planning, work on a new parallel access road designed to ease Wilson Street traffic will soon begin. H.E. Sargent Inc. of Stillwater was awarded the job of constructing the road for nearly $3 million Thursday during a special Brewer City Council meeting. “We hope to begin construction immediately,” […]
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