Brewer News

Notice of Public Meeting and Comment Period for Remediation and Cleanup at 1 & 11 Union Street

Notice is hereby given that the City of Brewer will hold a 30-day public comment period beginning July 25, 2024 and ending on August 24, 2024 to consider the Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives conducted for the property located at 1 & 11 Union Street (Tax Map 29, Lots 124 & 126).

A public meeting to discuss the remediation and cleanup at 1 & 11 Union Street (Tax Map 29, Lots 124 & 126) will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 6:00pm in the Council Chambers at Brewer City Hall located at 80 North Main Street.

The City of Brewer received an MDEP 128a  Brownfields Cleanup Grant to investigate the potential for environmental contamination at the Former Getchell Brothers Ice property located at 1 & 11 Union Street in Brewer (the Site).  As a requirement of the Brownfields Grant, the City is providing this notification of the availability of Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) for the cleanup planned for the property.  As part of the Grant, the ABCA is available for public review and comment.  The ABCA and previously prepared environmental assessment reports for the Site can be downloaded and reviewed by clicking the links below, or can be reviewed in person at City Hall located at 80 North Main Street Monday-Friday 8am – 4pm.

Any person may attend this public meeting.  Written comments may also be submitted.  Comments on the ABCA and on the proposed cleanup and remediation of the Former Getchell Brothers Site can be submitted in writing to: Beacon Environmental Consultants, LLC, PO Box 2154, Windham, Maine 04062; Attention John Cressey, 207-376-5001, or

Community Involvement Plan (CIP)

Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA)

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment