Developer purchases Brewer’s old police station lot

Nok-Noi Ricker
Third-grade teacher Cherrie MacInnes (center) hands a Brewer Challenge Coin to two of her students to hold for a photo with the Brewer City Council on Monday. MacInnes and her Brewer Community School class won a national writing contest with their children’s book “Classroom Pets.”
BREWER, Maine — Someone interested in opening a new restaurant and retail shop on the South Main Street lot where the city’s old public safety building once stood has purchased the vacant parcel.
“The economic development office has been working on a development project for this site and has found a business desiring to construct a building for a new retail and restaurant business,” the Brewer City Council order authorizing the sale states.
The land that was home to the police and fire departments between 1958 and 2008 was purchased for $23,000 by WOLO Inc., the order states.
D’arcy Main-Boyington, the city’s economic development director, said after the meeting that she was not yet able to unveil the business planned, but said the development is great news for the city.
Mason’s Brewery, another new restaurant and gathering place about a block away at 15 Hardy St., got its local malt, spirituous and vinous licenses and an amusement license during Monday’s council meeting, which enables it to have live music at indoor events in the restaurant.
The 20-barrel brewhouse, which is still under construction, is scheduled to open at the end of April.
Mason’s is located at the former Brewer Public Works garage, which was built in 1952 and removed in early 2004.
During the meeting, councilors also:
— Recognized third grade teacher Cherrie MacInnes and her class at Brewer Community School for winning a national writing contest with their children’s book “Classroom Pets.” The book recently was illustrated and Kathy Kinney — who stars as a Web-based character known as Mrs. P and also is known for her role as Mimi on “ The Drew Carey Show” — posted a video of her reading the book recently on YouTube. Several students were in attendance at the meeting and had their picture taken with the council.
— Honored Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington, a Brewer mixed martial arts fighter, who this year was honored as the most improved and breakthrough fighter of the year by the New England MMA and on Feb. 6 earned a New England Fights lightweight title.
— Recognized the partnership between Brewer School Department and Penobscot Community Health Care, who a decade ago opened the area’s first school-based health care clinic.
— Purchased a sweep cleaner for $171,500 to replace a 2001 one that will be traded in for $25,000.
— Agreed to allow Tracey Marceron, owner of Next Generation Theater and Between Friends, to use to landfill for demolition debris from 53 Center St. at no charge.
— Authorized repaving a portion of Parkway South at a cost of $90,000 for the city, and heard from City Manager Steve Bost that the state is repaving Interstate 395 between Odlin Road and Route 1A this summer.
By Nok-Noi Ricker, BDN Staff
Posted Feb. 29, 2016, at 7:53 p.m.