Inter Library Loan Requesting Returned September 3rd.

Adult Programs

Summer 2023 Adult Programs! 

Get the Most out of Your Library: Back to School
Thursday, August 24th, 10AM
Brewer Public Library and on Facebook Live

On Thursday, August 24th at 10AM, join Brewer Public Library Director Darren French for a brief overview of all the ways in which the Brewer Library can assist you and your child with school. Darren will discuss how you can access FREE resources from the comfort of your own home, including lesson plans, skill building videos and quizzes, college prep materials, and more! These resources are useful for both homeschoolers and public and private school students of all ages. Come in person or watch on our Facebook page!

Book Club
The first Monday of each month starting September 11th
Group 1, 12:30 – 1:30pm. Group 2, 5:30 – 6:30pm

Starting on September 11th, the Brewer Public Library will host their book club at two different times. Call to register for the time that works best for you! In September, members will read The Winemaker’s Wife, by Kristin Harmel.


Get the Most out of Your Library: Streaming Services
Thursday, September 21st, 10AM
Brewer Public Library and on Facebook Live

On Thursday, September 21st at 10AM, join Brewer Public Library Director Darren French for a brief overview of the library’s online streaming services Hoopla and Cloud Library. Learn how to download them onto your device and learn the differences between the two services and what they offer. Come in person or watch on our Facebook page!

Get the Most out of Your Library: MyLibro
Thursday, October 19th, 10AM
Brewer Public Library and on Facebook Live

On Thursday, October 19th at 10AM, join Brewer Public Library Director Darren French for a brief overview of the MyLibro app. The app consolidates all other library apps and is an easy way to manage your library account. Learn how to download the app and use the app to renew your books, place holds, reserve computers and meeting rooms, and even check yourself out at the library!


Genealogy: Building & Understanding Family Trees
Monday, October 30th, 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Presented Via Zoom by Eric Midgal
On Monday, October 30th, via Zoom, Eric Migdal will help you build and understand family trees, including the differences of pedigree and family group trees, gathering accurate information, and understanding and analyzing relationships.
Eric Migdal is an 11 year resident of Pompton Lakes NJ, and is happily married with a son, a daughter, and a bonus son. He has been doing family history research for 30 years, assisting clients with family tree building, DNA test analysis, and safely and effectively contacting unknown family members. As an adoptee, Eric spent many years searching for his biological family with very few results. His starting information and initial assumptions were incorrect. DNA testing helped him find the truth about his family.

Genealogy: Finding Records to Aid in your Research
Monday, November 6th, 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Presented Via Zoom by Eric Midgal

On Monday, November 6th, via Zoom, Eric Migdal will show you how to find records to aid in your genealogical research using the census, and birth, death, and marriage records, Heritage Quest, Family Search,, Ancestry, and more.
Eric Migdal is an 11 year resident of Pompton Lakes NJ, and is happily married with a son, a daughter, and a bonus son. He has been doing family history research for 30 years, assisting clients with family tree building, DNA test analysis, and safely and effectively contacting unknown family members. As an adoptee, Eric spent many years searching for his biological family with very few results. His starting information and initial assumptions were incorrect. DNA testing helped him find the truth about his family.

Genealogy: DNA and its use in Genealogical Research
Monday, November 13th, 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Presented Via Zoom by Eric Midgal
On Monday, November 13th, via Zoom, Eric Migdal will highlight how genetic genealogy can aid you in researching your family. He will cover how to use your DNA matches after DNA testing to enlarge your family tree, using a few of his DNA matches as a guide.
Eric Migdal is an 11 year resident of Pompton Lakes NJ, and is happily married with a son, a daughter, and a bonus son. He has been doing family history research for 30 years, assisting clients with family tree building, DNA test analysis, and safely and effectively contacting unknown family members. As an adoptee, Eric spent many years searching for his biological family with very few results. His starting information and initial assumptions were incorrect, and DNA testing helped him find the truth about his family.