District (Zone) Symbols
Rural | Rural |
LDR | Low Density Residential |
MDR – 1 | Medium Density Residential – 1 |
MDR – 2 | Medium Density Residential – 2 |
HDR | High Density Residential – 1 |
HDR -2 | High Density Residential – 2 |
CB | Convenience Business |
GB | General Business |
PB | Professional Business |
IND | Industrial |
IND-2 | Industrial – 2 |
OR | Office Residential |
Permit Required Symbols
Y | Uses allowed without a permit |
P | Uses requiring a building permit or other type of permit from the Code Enforcement Officer |
S | Uses requiring Site Plan Review Approval from the Planning Board |
1,2, etc. | Numbers next to letter symbols refer to footnotes at the end of the Schedule of Uses |
Blank | Not permitted |